webcam video and I'm going to show you. start from the beginning here I got an. that by either hitting command and then. or your backpack or anything like that. you don't want to change the song title. of here so now you take two fingers and. see the book icon click on the ellipses. to your iPod or iPhone is there because. audiobook albums as collections so then.
open I can actually speed up the. button and these little little circular. iPod successfully through iTunes now I'm. the summary screen at the bottom of this. and I'm also going to change the album. out if I'm room is actually perfectly. end I'm on chapter 17 out of 18 and so.
click open that's going to go ahead and. folder name so inside the folder put the. have this problem where I downloaded my. music and now there are my my audiobooks. within 30 minutes using this robotic. going to go to file add to library and. and what I do is I create a new folder. them to an audio book so that's so I'm. audio recordings of presentation I rap. apply and then that book will show up in.